Tuesday 21 August 2018

Heater Control Box - Pt 1

I have it on good authority that I must have air capable of being directed to the feet and screen (bosses requirement!). Also heated seats! Still, this is about the air box.

I could have gone down the normal route of using the fibre glass cover etc but wanted to do something a little different.

I spent some time working  out what size I wanted etc and then came up with the design (normal belt and braces stuff) that I was happy with.

As is normal for me I sat down behind my CAD screen and had a bit of a dabble.

Outside of new heater box
Inside of new heater box
Laser layout with all parts unfolded
Now for the next phase, manufacture. I have chosen to have all the parts laser cut in 1.5mm thick aluminium sheet by a local company in Coventry. They have done a great job and it only took a few days to complete.

The parts as they arived
Obviously I have to get a number of other parts but most of those are sourced from eBay. Now to the making of it.

I have a small sheet metal folder/shear which has proved invaluable so images below of progress.

First parts folded. Make sure you fold them the right way else the part will be reversed!

Riveted and sealed together

Bearing bosses added for the variable baffle plates

Hose nozzles (from Screwfix)

Nozzles bonded in

The start of the internal mechanism

Bit more progress. Shame its backwards! Did I mention that you have to bend it the right way round

Parts of the deflectors

Both finally complete
I'm happy with progress and it looks to work OK too. Still got a bit to do but I'll finish that a little later.

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