Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Brake & Clutch pipes - Pt 2

The next phase was to mount the bulkhead fittings for the two brake lines and clutch line. I realise that this means that there is an additional connection in each of the lines but it does mean that I will have much shorter lines to run to the master cylinders of each.

I carefully measured where I wanted the bracket to fit on the chassis and how I wanted the bulkhead fittings to mount in the bracket. This was then modeled up on CAD (just my day job!) from where I was able to get a flat pattern of the bracket. I should have had this laser cut but already had some 1.2mm thick stainless sheet so decided to cut this out by hand. It worked out pretty well. I was able to spray mount the paper pattern onto the sheet and cut/file to shape then drill all the holes, fold to shape and spend ages de-burring and finally give is a once over (maybe twice!) with a scotchbrite pad.

Did a quick trial fit of the fittings into the bracket. All seems OK so now to fit to the bracket in place on the chassis.

The bracket was clamped in position and then the chassis was drilled through the holes in the bracket. At this point I meant to squirt cavity sealing wax into the open chassis tube but basically got carried away with the pop riveter and forgot. Too late now. I used 3mm stainless pop rivets to fasten the bracket. The VIN number should still be readable after the three pipes are fitted in position but I will take a few photos for reference just in case.

Bracket in finally fitted
Bulkhead fittings all installed
I can now go on to complete the rest of the pipes.

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